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Thursday, March 29, 2018, 6:30 pm
Minneapolis Institute of Art, 2400 Third Avenue South, Minneapolis

As a special precursor to National Poetry Month and Autism Awareness Month, the Autism Society of Minnesota and Rain Taxi invite you to a special evening with and about a remarkable young poet named DJ Savarase. Our program, which celebrates the publication of Savarese’s chapbook A Doorknob for an Eye and the feature film Deej, will include a screening of the film and a Q&A session with DJ himself. Chapbooks and DVDs will be available for purchase. Don’t miss this opportunity to redefine “normal” and to see “what the ideal of full inclusion requires but also what it can accomplish.”

We are pleased to announce that the work of two Minnesota poets with autism will also be presented at this event! Mark Eati, a non-verbal autistic, is a joyful and savvy poet whose work addresses many disability topics. Max Eati is an adventurous writer who is using poetry to heal his heart and also to reach the hearts of other individuals with autism. Mark and Max are siblings with autism who maintain the blog Grow Our Joy to share their inner thoughts and progress with as wide an audience as possible.

March 7

Writers Go to the Movies

April 12

School Board Meeting