How I Type

By Mark Eati

People have been asking how I type. I can move my fingers and point to letters on a laptop keyboard, but I cannot listen, think, process, type and format on the computer at the same time. I literally makes me dizzy and I get mentally wiped out if I have to do everything by myself. In my extra time, I want to be become more independent. For now, my mother is helping with formatting, etc. After my mother completes each sentence, I review to make sure they are all my words and she didn’t mistype anything.

I would rather express myself than wait till I am fully independent. I like writing but independence may open further opportunities for me. I dream of that day a lot. In my life that would be a big achievement because I have motor challenges that are limiting my ability to become fully independent. I am not good at anything that involves fine more skills like buttons, writing, typing, etc. I thrive with help from others, so it’s a lot of training and practice to get myself there. I will be very happy when my goal is reached. I will let you know updates about this topic.


Treat me like an Adult


Happy New Year